Prarthana Critical Care Medicines (Subsidized medicine)

The exorbitant cost of chemo drugs has often been a critical thought of concern for cancer families and individuals. This has affected middle-income people too, as this whole treatment is for the long term. The Govt. of Kerala is providing substantial support through the ‘Karunya program’ for patients from below the poverty line.

However, majority of patients who fall just above the poverty line, there exist no major support systems. Besides, most of the patients who are taking treatment in private hospitals are not eligible for Karunya support. The main objective of this initiative is to provide quality cancer drugs at a highly subsidized rate up to 90% discount from the MRP rate for all patients.

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Key Features
  • All types of Cancer and critical care drugs associated with supportive medicines and palliative medicines for all patients at a highly subsidized rate.
  • The cancer drugs will be procured directly from the manufacturing company or wholesale dealers at a low price. Additionally, approximately 2% of the day to day treatment expenses will be added. Thus cancer patients can avail of the drugs with up to 90% discount on MRP.
  • Patients with an original prescription from registered oncologists/physicians can obtain the drugs from Monday to Saturday between 9 am to 5 pm. The availability of drugs may be confirmed over the phone or via WhatsApp messaging.
  • Patients from distant locations can pre-book drugs by uploading the prescription on ‘Prarthana's WhatsApp number: 8281212000. Upon confirmation of stock, drugs may be collected by submitting the original prescription.
Contact Details

EDAPALLY, KOCHI. Ph: 8281212000